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esw / esw.pages.fel.cvut.cz
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalWeb pages of ESW, see https://esw.pages.fel.cvut.cz/.
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Hlavním cílem projektu „Bookit Now“ je vytvořit adekvátní rezervační systém umožňující online rezervaci sportovišť a služeb nabízených sportovním centrem.
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Model-based fusion of GNSS data with measurements from IMU possibly from some other onboard sensors such as odometry, and data from a digital map to get an accurate position and velocity estimate for the vehicle.
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Biomedical Imaging Algorithms / APDL
MIT LicenseBinary Pattern Dictionary Learning (BPDL) algorithm to estimate the atlas of compact binary patterns directly from set of input binary images together with related binary weights for each input images (regarding the atlas).
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Repository for the code for graph matching using Monte Carlo tree search
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Assignment templates for the Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning course https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/wiki/courses/ae4b33rpz/labs/start
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Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 sequence data and mutation / protein relationships in individual variants
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Matej Smid / Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated