- Jul 14, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
* Minor documentation tweaks and corrections. * Grammar in evo.ge.Ge is always transformed into the evolutils.gramar.Grammar as it is needed by the subtree mutation. * Mutations are set up similarly like crossover using the setup_mutation() method. * Changed annotations from subtree crossover are stored in the offsprings. * Introduced subrree mutation, variable mutation. * evo.utils.grammar.Grammar.to_tree() now can take extra argument allowing to override the start symbol. * Annotations returned from evo.utils.grammar.Grammar.to_tree() are now lists instead of tuples.
- Jul 02, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
Extraction of fitness from error in evo.sr.MultiGeneGeSrFitness moved into separate method that can be easilly overriden.
- Jun 25, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
* BSF solution and its data is pretty-printed after a run of evo.ge.Ge finishes. * End of evo.ge.support.RampedHalfInitializer intialization run is logged. * Adjusted .gitignore to ignore logging.yaml wich serves only for manual testing purposes.
- Jun 18, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
- Jun 09, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
- Apr 03, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
- Mar 30, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
- Mar 27, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
* New method get_minimum_expansion_depth() in evo.utils.grammar.Grammar that returns the minimum depth of a derivation tree that forms a fully expanded grammar. * Unit test created too.
- Mar 26, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
* Deleted evo.tests.support and test_grammar moved to evo.tests.utils. * test_grammar fixed to reflect recent changes in grammar api (annotations are tuples, incomplete expansion results to non-None, though incomplete, annotations).
Jan Žegklitz authored
Individual is passed to the parsing methods too so that subclasses can store some information to it.
Jan Žegklitz authored
- Mar 23, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
* Different error handling in evo.sr.MultiGeneGeSrFitness ** A fitness value when an error occurs (error fitness) is specified separately from the unfinished-transcription fitness ** Errors handled by the error fitness can be specified manually (ZeroDivisionError and FloatingPointError are handled by default). ** numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError is handled by the error fitness too (when SVD does not converge) * New class evo.sr.MultiGeneGe ** Derives from evo.ge.Ge. ** Implements special multi-gene operators. * Fixed bug in evo.ge.support.RampedHalfHalfInitializer. * Adjustments of evo.ge.Ge ** Setting up the crossover algorithm removed from the constructor to a separate method which can be overriden. ** All crossovers unset the annotations.
- Mar 17, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
* Methods to_tree and to_text of evo.utils.grammar.Grammar return the annotations as tuples (in order to be hashable). * evo.ge.support.RandomWalkInitializer and RampedHalfHalfInitializer can add extra "useless" codons after the main codon sequence.
- Mar 16, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
* The features data is no longer put inside this class - the responsibility is on the apply_gene_phenotype() method.
- Mar 09, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
* The stored sequence in to_tree() is adapted accordingly so that the trees/texts generated with it will match this initial tree.
- Mar 08, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
* The best-so-far is properly tested in extract_elites() too.
- Mar 05, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
* The data field in evo.Individual (and its subclasses) made private (by renaming to _data). ** It is not to be manipulated directly but through new methods get_data() and set_data(). * Variable crossover in evo.ge.Ge. Works with any supported ground crossover methods. * Fastu mutation by sampling the index of the codon to be mutadet from a geometric distribution, lowering the number of random number generator calls.
- Mar 04, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
* If the genotype of either parent is too short that it did not expand any rule the subtree crossover is not performed (there are no offsprings of such parents). * Annotations are properly cloned in evo.ge.support.CodonGenotypeIndividual.clone(). * All acquired annotations are returned, even if the expansion was not fully finished.
- Mar 03, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
* Missed return statement.
Jan Žegklitz authored
* Created evo.ge.support.RampedHalfHalfInitializer.
Jan Žegklitz authored
* Grammar rules can tell which choices are non-terminal (for full & grow methods). * Grammar can generate derivation trees with lower depth limit too.
- Mar 02, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
Jan Žegklitz authored
Jan Žegklitz authored
* individual was added as an argument to method evo.GeFitness.make_phenotype so that it can record some info to the original individual.
Jan Žegklitz authored
Jan Žegklitz authored
* .gitignore enhanced with content generated by gitignore.io using keywords: Python, PyCharm. * Very basic README.rst content: simple installation instructions.
- Feb 26, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
* Created class evo.sr.MultiGeneGeSrFitness ** Converts the low-level grammar to the multi-gene grammar - no need to manually design the multi-gene grammar. ** Performs the evaluation of multi-gene individuals. ** Takes care of comparing fitness values (not sorting). * New methods for trees (and unit tests). * Added numpy dependency. * Added numpy intersphinx link.
- Feb 23, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
Jan Žegklitz authored
- Feb 16, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
* Created a SR module (sr.py) skeleton which will contain symbolic-regression-specific implementations of GP.
- Feb 12, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
* Common base class GeFitness for fitnesses to work with GE. * Two abstract subclasses of GeFitness ** GeTreeFitness that decodes the genome to a derivation tree (which is then further processed) ** GeTextFitness that decodes the genome to a text string (which is then further processed).
Jan Žegklitz authored
* Completed unit test. * Finished implementation. Fixes #1
- Feb 11, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
* Implemented the crossover method. * Created a unit test skeleton. #1
- Feb 10, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
Jan Žegklitz authored
* Individual classes and Initializers moved from evo.ge to evo.ge.support. * Fixed ReST warnings from docstrings.
Jan Žegklitz authored
* Encoding specification at the beginning of each .py file. * Docstring as the first command of each .py file (except setup.py) * __author__ declaration in each .py file (except setup.py). * String literals are always enclosed in apostrophes ('). * Docstrings are always enclosed in triple double-quotes ("""). * evo.support renamed to evo.utils.
Jan Žegklitz authored
- Feb 09, 2015
Jan Žegklitz authored
Jan Žegklitz authored
Jan Žegklitz authored