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2011-08-15 Vojtech Franc
	* Added #include<float.h> to svm2_mex.c, gnpp_mex.c and gmnp_mex.c to allow
	make it compile under Windows. Bug reported by Roland J. Graf <>
2009-10-22 Vojtech Franc
	* Bug fixed in the function bayeserr. The function was returening zero risk when 
	the first Gaussion completely dominated the second one. Bug reported by 	 
2009-08-14 Vojtech Franc
	* DBL_MAX and INT_MAX removed from bsvm2.c; it caused problems during compile on
	some Windows machines.
2008-12-18  Vojtech Franc
	* fixed problem with Init_centers in cmeans.m; this argument was ignored; now
	it is used as the initial solution; pointed out by Sauptik Dhar <>
2008-10-21  Vojtech Franc
	* bsvm2_mec.c and bsvm2.m made more readable. There was a mismatch
	in the formula for computing Alphas compared to what we have in our paper.
	Now, it the fomulas in c-code and the paper corespond.
2008-07-24  Vojtech Franc 
	* fixed problem with computing radius in minball.m; the bug
	was pointed out by Daewon Lee <>