Project Locations
- https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/otrees/rtems/rtems-canfd
- actual location of the initial version of the framework is lib/candrv
Documentation Sources
- RTEMS User Manual and related documentation, On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR) and others, 1988-2020, (available online at https://docs.rtems.org/ )
- RTEMS Build for mzAPO board
- Píša, P.: Linux/RT-Linux CAN Driver (LinCAN), Ocera, June 2005-2013, available online https://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~pisa/can/doc/lincandoc-0.3.5.pdf
- LinCAN sources https://sourceforge.net/p/ortcan/lincan/
- OrtCAN project https://ortcan.sourceforge.net/ with LinCAN page
- CTU CAN FD https://canbus.pages.fel.cvut.cz/
- CTU CAN FD Linux Driver https://docs.kernel.org/networking/device_drivers/can/ctu/ctucanfd-driver.html
- pysimCoder - Open Source Rapid Control Prototyping Development Tool, available online https://github.com/robertobucher/pysimCoder with CAN and CANopen blocks