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Snippets Groups Projects
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  • bugfix/flash-drive-strength
  • bugfix/slower-flash
  • feature/gc-collectible-objects
  • hbridge-experiments
  • imu-fusion
  • jv-obhajoba
  • jv-robosoutez
  • main default protected
  • maker-faire
  • multicube-i2c
  • py-rt-test
  • refactor/portable-ev3-core
12 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.019Mar181712111098765416Nov15109653225Oct22181716151413819Sep1816618Jul1232130Jun24232111May103219Dec29Nov16111098975431Oct24231613815Sep1431Aug282726241817151427Jul20181330Jun630May29282625242320191714131098532128Apr262524232221201918171413114328Mar272423161598720Feb1916151413121119Jan174Dec22Nov2120157Reset BT callback and send ko message to user when progarm downloading failsmulticube-i2cmulticube-i2cAdd option to control cube in menu via BT and add basic remote program uploadingDisable NXT UTZ data read when sensor is disconnectedAdd option to set callback for esp bt message receiveAdd timer class to measure of parts of codeAdd function to check flash storage size and free spaceMove contents of to a separate file, this simplifies updating fw - does not have be updated in the cube filesystemMake display update faster by sending all page address and data in one transfer and prepare DMA for future useFix a bug when power button was not read correctly after switching off the ESP command signal and switch timer in ESP config for UART IRQCorrect I2C trigger all time computingAdd option for I2C slave to read all registersAdd function to trigger all I2C slavesAdd time synchronization to multicube I2CModify I2C and other constantsAdd read and written registers flags to i2c slave and improve i2c menu programsAdd to frozen manifestAdd WDT, file to disable WDT at soft reboot, modify startup display messageChange i2c slave irq logic, add irq handler to i2c slave menu programUpdate multicube i2c master and slave menu programsAdd basic i2c slave apiAdd print statements to battery and ledRemove redundant header files and i2c master fileRemove merge messagesUpdate MP submodulesDelete redundant type assignmentUpdate MicroPyhon and pico-sdk to current commit, update OC modules according to the changes in MPUpdate MicroPyhon and pico-sdk to current commit, update OC modules according to the changes in MPRename OC i2c files to prevent confusion with micropython filesAdd initial files for i2c master and slaveOptimize sending data to the displaymainmainAdd reading IMU data from FIFO to prevent data loss due to i2c bus being used by displayimu-fusionimu-fusionAdd working fusion algoerithm, modify gyro acc menu programCollect garbage after deinit allChange i2c baud rate to 1 MHzCorrect typosAdd api functions, add gpio irq handler, reorganize i2c lockAdd fusion libraries, add IMU irqSave OC AHRS last gyro and mag calib to flashChange OC AHRS reset yaw to reset all anglesAdd reset yaw command to OC AHRS sensor