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Commit d7b7454a authored by Dmytro Mishkin's avatar Dmytro Mishkin
Browse files

interactive notebooks

parent d02b65b7
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from copy import deepcopy
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch
from dataclasses import dataclass
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
import kornia.feature as KF
from RANSAC.ransac_planar_params import RansacPlanarLog
class PlotParams:
cross_size_img_size_ratio = 80. # all keypoints are displayed as crosses
cross_thickness_img_size_ratio = 250. # all keypoints are displayed as crosses
line_thickness_img_size_ratio = 300. # correspondences are connected with this line
perspective_map_thickness_img_size_ratio = 200. # homography is displayed as a polygon
perspective_line_thickness_img_size_ratio = 150 # homography is displayed as a polygon
inlier_color = (102., 255., 51.) # green - color of crosses and lines
outlier_color = (255., 26., 26.) # red - color of crosses and lines
kps_color = (179., 138., 77.) # dim orrange - color of keypoints
perspective_map_color = (0., 0., 255.) # blue - color of the homography polygon
best_perspective_map_color = (255., 255., 255.) # white - color of the best homography so far
position_based_color_left = True # if True left image keypoints are colored based on position
draw_lafs = True # if True, the features are drawn as ellipces.
def ratio_to_size(img, ratio):
We want to keep sizes relative to the image size.
This function defines how we obtain a value that we use in library visualization functions.
if len(img.shape) == 3:
return int(min(img.shape[:2]) / ratio)
return int(min(img.shape) / ratio)
def draw_cross(img, center, color, thickness, d):
cv2.line(img, (center[0] - d, center[1] - d), (center[0] + d, center[1] + d), color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA, 0)
cv2.line(img, (center[0] + d, center[1] - d), (center[0] - d, center[1] + d), color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA, 0)
return img
def add_offset(img_left, pts):
pts.shape = N, 4
img_left is the left image -> to get the offset size
if not isinstance(pts, torch.Tensor):
pts = torch.from_numpy(pts)
if pts is not None and len(pts) > 0:
return pts + torch.tensor([0, 0, img_left.shape[1], 0])
return pts
def draw_crosses(img, pts: torch.Tensor, color, plot_params, colors = None):
""" pts.shape = N, 2 """
min_side = min(img.shape)
cross_size = PlotParams.ratio_to_size(img, plot_params.cross_size_img_size_ratio)
thickness = PlotParams.ratio_to_size(img, plot_params.cross_thickness_img_size_ratio)
if not isinstance(pts, torch.Tensor):
pts = torch.from_numpy(pts)
for i, pt in enumerate(pts.round().to(dtype=torch.int32)):
if colors is None:
current_color = color
current_color = colors[i]
img = draw_cross(img, pt.detach().cpu().numpy(), current_color, thickness, cross_size)
return img
def draw_ellipse(img, contour, color, thickness):
img = cv2.polylines(img, contour, True, color, thickness)
return img
def draw_ellipses(img, pts: torch.Tensor, color, plot_params, colors = None):
""" pts.shape = N, 2 """
min_side = min(img.shape)
cross_size = PlotParams.ratio_to_size(img, plot_params.cross_size_img_size_ratio)
thickness = PlotParams.ratio_to_size(img, plot_params.cross_thickness_img_size_ratio)
if not isinstance(pts, torch.Tensor):
pts = torch.from_numpy(pts)
boundary_pts = KF.laf_to_boundary_points(pts, 30).reshape(-1, 30, 2)
for i, contour in enumerate(boundary_pts):
if colors is None:
current_color = color
current_color = colors[i]
img = draw_ellipse(img, contour.unsqueeze(0).detach().cpu().numpy().astype(np.int32), current_color, thickness)
return img
def draw_lines(img, pts: torch.Tensor, color, plot_params):
""" pts.shape = N, 4 """
thickness = PlotParams.ratio_to_size(img, plot_params.line_thickness_img_size_ratio)
for pt in pts.round().to(dtype=torch.int32):
pt = pt.detach().cpu().numpy()
img = cv2.line(img, tuple(pt[:2]), tuple(pt[2:]), color, thickness)
return img
def join_images(img1, img2):
draw_params = dict(matchColor=(255, 255, 0),
return cv2.drawMatches(img1, [], img2, [], [], None, **draw_params)
def draw_perspective_map(img1, img, H, color, plot_params: PlotParams):
if H is not None:
h, w, ch = img1.shape
pts = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, h - 1], [w - 1, h - 1], [w - 1, 0]]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)
thickness = PlotParams.ratio_to_size(img, plot_params.perspective_line_thickness_img_size_ratio)
if isinstance(H, torch.Tensor):
H = H.detach().cpu().numpy()
dst = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts, H)
res = cv2.polylines(img, [np.int32(dst)], True, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA)
return res
return img
def decolorize(img):
""" de-colorizes the image and KEEPS the dimensions! """
assert len(img.shape) in {2, 3}, f"Image is not in correct shape (H, W, Optional[C]), shape: {img.shape}"
res = img.copy()
if len(img.shape) == 3:
res = cv2.cvtColor(res, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
return cv2.cvtColor(res, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
def draw_keypoints(img1, img2, kps1, kps2, plt_params: PlotParams):
imga, imgb = decolorize(img1), decolorize(img2) # RGB -> GRAY -> GRAY RGB
colors = None
if not plt_params.draw_lafs:
imga = draw_crosses(imga, KF.get_laf_center(kps1).view(-1, 2), plt_params.kps_color, plt_params, colors=colors) # keypoints
imgb = draw_crosses(imgb, KF.get_laf_center(kps2).view(-1, 2), plt_params.kps_color, plt_params, colors=colors) # keypoints
imga = draw_ellipses(imga, kps1, plt_params.kps_color, plt_params, colors=colors) # keypoints
imgb = draw_ellipses(imgb, kps2, plt_params.kps_color, plt_params, colors=colors) # keypoints
imgab = join_images(imga, imgb)
return imgab
def draw_matches(img1, img2, detections, plt_params: PlotParams,
visualization_options: dict):
@param visualization_options: a dictionary that defines how to display tentative correspondences.
Modes works as follows: there are 3 modes 0, 1, 2, 3
# Mode 0: do not plot anything
# Mode 1: show only keypoints (in both images)
# Mode 2: show regions (in both images)
# Mode 3: show keypoints and connect them with lines
# Mode 4: show regions and connect them with lines
# todo: pts_matches none, mask None etc etc
imga, imgb = decolorize(img1), decolorize(img2) # RGB -> GRAY -> GRAY RGB
#Detections = namedtuple('Detections', ['kps1',
# 'kps2',
# 'tentative_matches',
# 'pts_matches',
# 'H',
# 'inlier_mask',
# 'lafs1',
# 'lafs2'])
idxs = detections.tentative_matches
tents_1 = detections.lafs1[0:1,idxs[:, 0]]
tents_2 = detections.lafs2[0:1,idxs[:, 1]]
inlier_mask = detections.inlier_mask.reshape(-1).bool()
assert len(inlier_mask) == tents_1.shape[1], f"pts_matches ({len(tents_1)}) and mask ({len(inlier_mask)}) lengths differ"
if len(inlier_mask) == 0:
if plt_params.position_based_color_left:
colors_out = []
for i, pt in enumerate(KF.get_laf_center(tents_1).view(-1, 2)):
current_color = (255 * (pt[1].item() /imga.shape[0]),
255 * (pt[0].item() /imga.shape[1]))
colors_out = None
# drawing outliers first
if visualization_options['outliers_display_mode'] in [1, 3]:
imga = draw_crosses(imga, KF.get_laf_center(tents_1).view(-1, 2)[~inlier_mask], plt_params.kps_color, plt_params, colors=colors_out) # keypoints
imgb = draw_crosses(imgb, KF.get_laf_center(tents_2).view(-1, 2)[~inlier_mask], plt_params.kps_color, plt_params, colors=colors_out) # keypoints
if visualization_options['outliers_display_mode'] in [2, 4]:
imga = draw_ellipses(imga, tents_1[:,~inlier_mask], plt_params.kps_color, plt_params, colors=colors_out) # keypoints
imgb = draw_ellipses(imgb, tents_2[:,~inlier_mask], plt_params.kps_color, plt_params, colors=colors_out) # keypoints
if visualization_options['inliers_display_mode'] in [1, 3]:
imga = draw_crosses(imga, KF.get_laf_center(tents_1).view(-1, 2)[inlier_mask], plt_params.kps_color, plt_params, colors=colors_out) # keypoints
imgb = draw_crosses(imgb, KF.get_laf_center(tents_2).view(-1, 2)[inlier_mask], plt_params.kps_color, plt_params, colors=colors_out) # keypoints
if visualization_options['inliers_display_mode'] in [2, 4]:
imga = draw_ellipses(imga, tents_1[:,inlier_mask], plt_params.kps_color, plt_params, colors=colors_out) # keypoints
imgb = draw_ellipses(imgb, tents_2[:,inlier_mask], plt_params.kps_color, plt_params, colors=colors_out) # keypoints
if detections.H is not None: # best so far perspective map
imgb = draw_perspective_map(imga, imgb, detections.H, plt_params.perspective_map_color, plt_params) # perspective map
# ----------- imgab
pts_matches =[KF.get_laf_center(tents_1).view(-1, 2),
KF.get_laf_center(tents_2).view(-1, 2)], dim=1)
pts_offset = add_offset(img1, pts_matches)
imgab = join_images(imga, imgb)
if visualization_options['outliers_display_mode'] in [3, 4]:
imgab = draw_lines(imgab, pts_offset[~inlier_mask], plt_params.outlier_color, plt_params) # outliers connections
if visualization_options['inliers_display_mode'] in [3, 4]:
imgab = draw_lines(imgab, pts_offset[inlier_mask], plt_params.inlier_color, plt_params) # inliers connections
return imgab
def plot_legend_init(kps1, kps2, plt_params, fontsize=13):
plt.rc('legend', fontsize=fontsize)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(.01, .01))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# legend_items = [Tuple[handle, label]] -> I do this to ensure the correct order
legend_items = [
(ax.scatter([], [], color=np.array(plt_params.kps_color)/255., marker='x'), f'keypoints1: {len(kps1)}'),
(ax.scatter([], [], color=np.array(plt_params.kps_color)/255., marker='x'), f'keypoints2: {len(kps2)}'),
handles, labels = list(zip(*legend_items))
ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='center')
return handles, labels
def plot_best_legend(log, detections, plt_params, fontsize=13):
plt.rc('legend', fontsize=fontsize)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(.01, .01))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
legend_items = [
(ax.plot([], [], ' ')[0], "$\\bf{best\ so\ far}$" + f" - i: {log.i + 1}"),
(ax.plot([], [], ' ')[0], f'inliers: {detections.inlier_mask.long().sum().item()}'),
(ax.plot([], [], ' ')[0], f'outliers: {len(detections.inlier_mask.reshape(-1)) - detections.inlier_mask.long().sum().item()}'),
(ax.plot([], [], ' ')[0], f'loss: {log.loss:.2f}'),
(Patch(facecolor=np.array(plt_params.best_perspective_map_color)/255., edgecolor='black'), 'perspective map'),
handles, labels = list(zip(*legend_items))
ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='center')
return handles, labels
def plot_current_legend(log, detections, plt_params, fontsize=13):
plt.rc('legend', fontsize=fontsize)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(.01, .01))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# legend_items = [Tuple[handle, label]] -> I do this to ensure the correct order
legend_items = [
(ax.plot([], [], ' ')[0], "$\\bf{current}$" + f" - i: {log.i + 1}"),
(ax.scatter([], [], color=np.array(plt_params.inlier_color)/255., marker='x'),
f'inliers: {detections.inlier_mask.long().sum().item()}'),
(ax.scatter([], [], color=np.array(plt_params.outlier_color)/255., marker='x'),
f'outliers: {len(detections.inlier_mask.reshape(-1)) - detections.inlier_mask.long().sum().item()}'),
(ax.plot([], color=np.array(plt_params.inlier_color)/255.)[0], f'loss: {log.loss:.2f}'),
(Patch(facecolor=np.array(plt_params.perspective_map_color)/255., edgecolor='black'), 'perspective map'),
handles, labels = list(zip(*legend_items))
ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='center')
return handles, labels
def cv2_draw_matches(kps1, kps2, tentative_matches, H, inlier_mask, img1, img2, H_gt = None):
detections = Detections(*detect_describe_match(timg1, timg2, params, functions))
log = ransac_planar(detections.pts_matches, params, functions)
imgout = cv2_draw_matches(detections.kps1, detections.kps2, detections.tentative_matches,
log.H, log.mask, decolorize(img1), decolorize(img2))
matches_mask = inlier_mask.ravel().tolist()
h, w, ch = img1.shape
pts = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, h-1], [w-1, h-1], [w-1, 0]]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)
dst = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts, H)
img2_tr = cv2.polylines(decolorize(img2), [np.int32(dst)], True, (0, 0, 255), 3, cv2.LINE_AA)
if H_gt is not None: # Ground truth transformation
dst_gt = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts, H_gt)
img2_tr = cv2.polylines(deepcopy(img2_tr), [np.int32(dst_gt)], True, (0, 255, 0), 3, cv2.LINE_AA)
# Blue is estimated, green is ground truth homography
draw_params = dict(matchColor=(255, 255, 0), singlePointColor=None,
matchesMask=matches_mask, flags=20)
img_out = cv2.drawMatches(decolorize(img1), kps1, img2_tr, kps2, tentative_matches, None, **draw_params)
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
return img_out
from typing import Callable
import numpy as np
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
DBL_EPS = np.finfo(float).eps
class RansacPlanarLog:
""" future tip: make it comparable as used in update """
H: np.array = field(default=None, repr=False)
mask: np.array = field(default=None, repr=False)
n: int = 0
loss: float = np.inf
i: int = 0
def __post_init__(self):
if self.mask is not None:
self.n = self.mask.sum().item()
def __lt__(self, other):
if self.n != other.n:
return self.n < other.n
return self.loss-DBL_EPS > other.loss
def __gt__(self, other):
return other < self
def __eq__(self, other):
return not (self < other or other < self)
class RansacPlanarParams:
sample_size: int = 4
ransac_th: float = 15.0 # pixel threshold for correspondence to be counted as inlier
max_iter: int = 10000 # maximum iteration, overrides confidence
conf: float = 0.99 # confidence
class RansacPlanarFunctions:
nsamples: Callable = None
getH: Callable = None # estimates homography from minimal sample
hdist: Callable = None # calculates one - way reprojection error
sampler: Callable = None # draws random sample from pts_matches
check_sample: Callable = None # is a set of samples valid for homography estimation?
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