@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ We are also assuming that Apache Tomcat is used with its default port - 8080.
#### Setup without IDE
1. Create a database named _ear_, owned by user _ear_ identified by password _ear_ (again, see `src/main/resources/jdbc.properties`).
2. Go to `src/main/webapp` and run `npm install` - this downloads JavaScript dependencies used by the UI implementation.
2. Go to `src/main/webapp` and run `npm install` - this downloads JavaScript dependencies used by the UI implementation. This operation takes some time.
3. In the same folder, run `npm run build` - this packs the whole JavaScript-based UI into one bundle - `js/bundle.js`.
4. Go back to the project's root (i.e. the directory where this README file is located) and run `mvn clean package` -
this uses maven to download Java dependencies of the project and builds a deployable _war_ archive with the application.