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Open Jakub Vaněk requested to merge vanekj19/quanser-active-suspension:jv-updates into master
+ 107
# Active suspension simulation & control
This set of scripts and models attempts to create a more faithful simulation
than what the stock Quanser Simulink schema provides. It also contains some
controllers that can be used for demonstration purposes.
## How to use this
1. Run the `design_controllers.m` script.
2. Open the `simulator.slx` Simulink model. This model does not depend on
QUARC and can hopefully be opened in any Matlab version R2024a and newer.
3. Select the controller to use through the manual switches in the bottom
left of the schema.
4. Run the model.
You can also run the provided demonstration controllers on the physical device
in the lab. To do so, just open the `lab_device.slx` model instead of the
`simulator.slx` one. To start up the physical model, follow the instructions
in the top-level README of this repository.
## Used controllers
The demo contains three controllers:
- A LQR controller. This controller attempts to minimize a linear-quadratic
criterion. The weights are chosen such that the relative motion of the
upper and lower masses is penalized the most. Out of the three controllers,
this one behaves the best when deployed on the real device in the lab.
- A H-infinity controller. This controller uses the signal-based approach
to design a controller that minimizes the acceleration of the upper mass
and also some other metrics. This controller behaves slightly worse --
it is a bit too aggressive when trying to damp the upper mass oscillations,
leading to oscillations of the lower mass. However, it does work when
compared to the open-loop response.
- A lag controller. This controller was designed through the `sisotool` to
damp the system based on the accelerometer signal from the model.
It works fairly well. However, it has some overshoot and the return
from the over-shot position is kinda slow.
## State space formats
Two state space formats are used here:
- "internal"/"physical" states. This state space is what one would derive
through bond graphs or other means. The states are:
- `zs` = position of the upper mass wrt. its idle position.
- `dzs` = speed of the upper mass.
- `zus` = position of the lower mass wrt. its idle position.
- `dzus` = speed of the lower mass.
This state space is fairly intuitive and corresponds to what one would
see in the lab (road steps up -> both masses step up; the same holds for
the graphs).
- "observed"/"Quanser" states. This state space is slightly different and
contains these states:
- `zs-zus` = distance of the upper and lower masses wrt. its idle value.
- `dzs` = speed of the upper mass.
- `zus-zr` = distance of lowre mass and the road platform wrt. its idle value.
- `dzus` = speed of the lower mass.
The "Quanser" state space might be more useful for controller design. Its advantage
is that when the physical model reaches steady state, all states here should
be zero. This is advantageous for LQR design: the task can then be
formulated as a regulation task and not a tracking task.
These state spaces *cannot* be converted one to another using a state-space
similarity transformation. The issue is that the model with "observed" states
cannot take road height `zr` as an input directly: inputs cannot directly set
state values (e.g. `zus-zr`). Instead, it must have `dzr`, the derivative of road
height, as an input; this input is then integrated via the `zus-zr` state.
The "physical" state-space does not have this limitation, as `zr` only controls
how the lower mass will accelerate (i.e. it feeds into the `dzus` state through
a spring factor).
## Matlab files
- `design_controllers.m` prepares the three controllers described above.
It also automatically runs the `load_simulator_constants.m` script
- `load_simulator_constants.m` contains the model physical constants for
- `simulator.slx` is a Simulink model for simulating the active suspension
when not in the lab.
- `lab_device.slx` is a Simulink model for running the controllers in the
lab. It is derived from the `software/quanser_updated/q_as_lqr.slx` model.
- `quanser_order2_filter.m` is a helper script for designing a low-pass filter.
- `get_suspension_linear_model.m` is a script that generates a linearized
Control System Toolbox state-space model of the active suspension. There
are various formats of the model available; see the documentation and
code inside.
## Generic notes
- The model constants were determined using scripts in the `/data/students` directory.
- The H-infinity controller could be improved by using frequency-dependent weights.
Currently the weights are just static gains.
- There are various places where friction can be modelled:
- Viscous friction parallel to springs (equivalent to a shock absorber in cars).
- Viscous friction in the bearings between masses and the base.
- Static friction in the bearings between the masses and the base.
- The Quanser lab model only assumes the first type of friction.
This seemed unrealistic to me -- there is no shock absorber mounted on the
physical model in the lab. The Simulink model here uses only the last two
types of friction - I assume the bearings are where most of the losses are happening.
- The way static friction is implemented in the simulation model is not ideal.
Currently, it is effectively just a signum function in negative feedback.
This breaks Simulink's step-size control. To work around this, a fixed-step
ODE4 solver is used with a 1 kHz sample rate. This might be improved
by implementing
here or choosing a different approach.