From 0e5662da5be2f71492cca2993b65573abacc394d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: koutepa2 <>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2023 11:42:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] added sequencing, added undertime, rounding fixed,
 timeout check added to CG, sequence groups added to the instance

--- |  12 ++--          |  34 ----------
 parameters.yaml       |   2 +-        |  61 ++++++++++++++----   |  14 ++--          | 145 +++++++++++++++++-------------------------          |  17 ++++-          |  12 +---
 8 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 156 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644

diff --git a/ b/
index 432f892..5782104 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ def sample_surgeons(number_of_surgeons, number_of_blocks):
 def sample_patients(number_of_days, number_of_surgeons, number_of_patients):
     Samples patient object with its assignment to surgeon.
-        > fixed parameters: surgery duration range, patient priority
+        > fixed parameters: surgery duration range, patient priority, patient group
     :param number_of_days: number of days to randomly sample from
     :param number_of_surgeons: number of surgeons to randomly sample from
     :param number_of_patients: number of patients to randomly sample from
-    :return: sampled surgeon (with release day, surgery duration, patient priority and surgeon)
+    :return: sampled surgeon (with release day, surgery duration, patient priority, surgeon and patient's group)
     patients = []
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ def sample_instance(number_of_days, number_of_rooms, number_of_surgeons, number_
     Samples instance object with all the sampled blocks, surgeons and patients.
         > fixed parameters: maximum blocks assigned to a surgeon per day,
-        weights m1, m5, m6, m7, rooms' overtime
+        weights m1, m5, m6, m7, rooms' overtime, sequence duration
     :param number_of_days: number of days to randomly sample from
     :param number_of_rooms: number of rooms to randomly sample from
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ def sample_instance(number_of_days, number_of_rooms, number_of_surgeons, number_
             "m6": 100,
             "m7": 1
-        "rooms": [{"overtime": 120} for _ in range(number_of_rooms)],
+        "rooms": [{"overtime": 90} for _ in range(number_of_rooms)],
         "blocks": blocks,
         "surgeons": surgeons,
         "patients": patients,
@@ -146,10 +146,10 @@ def main(path, number_of_instances):
     # prepare constants
-    number_of_days_array = [10, 20]
+    number_of_days_array = [2,4,6]
     number_of_rooms_array = [1]
     number_of_surgeons_array = [4, 8]
-    number_of_patients_array = [60, 80, 100]
+    number_of_patients_array = [10,15,20]
     for number_of_days in number_of_days_array:
         for number_of_rooms in number_of_rooms_array:
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 94bb5d7..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import pandas as pd
-import argparse
-# define folder to search in by parsing input arguments
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument('--folder', '-f', help='path to the folder where the generated instances should be stored')
-args = parser.parse_args()
-folder = args.folder
-# 1. define final CSV file
-csv_name = 'subproblem_features_recording.csv'
-final_csv_path = os.path.join(folder, csv_name)
-# 2. list all subfolder's CSV files
-subfolders = [f.path for f in os.scandir(folder) if f.is_dir()]
-subfolder_csv_files = [os.path.join(subfolder_path, csv_name) for subfolder_path in subfolders if os.path.exists(os.path.join(subfolder_path, csv_name))]
-# 3. merge them together and save final CSV
-subfolder_dfs = []
-batch_increase = 0
-for f in subfolder_csv_files:
-    df = pd.read_csv(f)
-    # in merging datasets, get unique value of batch index, if the column is present
-    if 'batch index' in df.columns:
-        batch_increase_new = max(df['batch index']) + 1
-        df['batch index'] = df['batch index'] + batch_increase
-        batch_increase += batch_increase_new
-    subfolder_dfs.append(df)
-df_concat = pd.concat(subfolder_dfs, ignore_index=True)
-df_concat.to_csv(final_csv_path, index=False)
diff --git a/parameters.yaml b/parameters.yaml
index fda86ac..61d1dfa 100644
--- a/parameters.yaml
+++ b/parameters.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-threshold_depth: 20
+threshold_depth: 40
 subproblem_strategy: 'return k best'
 sorting_strategy: 'random'
 model_path: ''
diff --git a/ b/
index f9bd006..7570805 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -88,12 +88,14 @@ class MasterProblemPrimal:
         o = self.model.addVars(self.instance.n_blocks, lb=0, ub=g.GRB.INFINITY, vtype=g.GRB.INTEGER, name="o")
         z = self.model.addVars(self.instance.n_blocks, lb=0, ub=g.GRB.INFINITY, vtype=g.GRB.INTEGER, name="z")
         n = self.model.addVars(self.instance.n_surgeons, self.instance.n_days, vtype=g.GRB.BINARY, name="n")
+        y = self.model.addVars(self.instance.n_patients + 1, self.instance.n_patients + 1, self.instance.n_blocks, vtype=g.GRB.BINARY, name="y")
+        e = self.model.addVars(self.instance.n_blocks, vtype=g.GRB.BINARY, name="e")
         # add constraints
         for patient in self.instance.patients:
             self.model.addConstr(g.LinExpr((1, x[,]) for block in self.instance.blocks) <= 1, name=f"constraint_1_p{}")
         for block in self.instance.blocks:
-            self.model.addConstr(g.LinExpr((patient.duration, x[,]) for patient in self.instance.patients) - block.capacity == o[] - z[], name=f"constraint_2_b{}")
+            self.model.addConstr(g.LinExpr((patient.duration, x[,]) for patient in self.instance.patients) + g.LinExpr((self.instance.sequence_duration[][], y[,,]) for patient_1 in self.instance.patients for patient_2 in self.instance.patients if != - block.capacity == o[] - z[], name=f"constraint_2_b{}")
         self.model.addConstrs((o[] <= block.overtime for block in self.instance.blocks), name="constraint_3")
         for room in self.instance.rooms:
             for day in self.instance.days:
@@ -104,6 +106,16 @@ class MasterProblemPrimal:
         self.model.addConstrs((x[,] == 0 for block in self.instance.blocks for patient in self.instance.patients if sum([1 if patient.surgeon == and in surgeon.blocks else 0 for surgeon in self.instance.surgeons]) == 0), name="constraint_6")
         self.model.addConstrs((x[,] == 0 for patient in self.instance.patients for block in self.instance.blocks if patient.release >, name="constraint_7")
+        for patient in self.instance.patients:
+            for block in self.instance.blocks:
+                self.model.addConstr(x[,] == g.LinExpr((1, y[,,]) for patient_next in self.instance.patients if != + y[, self.instance.n_patients,])
+                self.model.addConstr(x[,] == g.LinExpr((1, y[,,]) for patient_prev in self.instance.patients if != + y[self.instance.n_patients,,])
+                self.model.addConstr(x[,] <= e[])
+        for block in self.instance.blocks:
+            self.model.addConstr(g.LinExpr((1, y[, self.instance.n_patients,]) for patient in self.instance.patients) == e[])
+            self.model.addConstr(g.LinExpr((1, y[self.instance.n_patients,,]) for patient in self.instance.patients) == e[])
+            self.model.addConstr(e[] <= g.LinExpr((1, x[,]) for patient in self.instance.patients))
         # add surgeon-day branching constraints
         for branching_constraint in self.branching_constraints['surgeon']:
             branching_surgeon_id, branching_day_id, indication = branching_constraint[0], branching_constraint[1], branching_constraint[2]
@@ -129,6 +141,7 @@ class MasterProblemPrimal:
         # optimize the model
+        print(f'BaP ILP model status: {self.model.status}', flush=True)
         # if the model is infeasible or cut off, exit the function
         if (self.model.status != g.GRB.OPTIMAL and self.model.status != g.GRB.TIME_LIMIT) or self.model.SolCount == 0:
@@ -138,13 +151,13 @@ class MasterProblemPrimal:
         self.optimality_gap = self.model.MIPGap
         # store objective value
-        self.objective_value = round(float(self.model.objVal), 5)
+        self.objective_value = round(float(self.model.objVal), 1)
         # store all the model variables
         self.primal_variables = {
             'x': utilities.convert_dictionary_to_array(self.model.getAttr('X', x), np.zeros((self.instance.n_patients, self.instance.n_blocks))),
             'o': self.model.getAttr('X', o.values()),
-            'z':self.model.getAttr('X', z.values()),
+            'z': self.model.getAttr('X', z.values()),
             'n': utilities.convert_dictionary_to_array(self.model.getAttr('X', n), np.zeros((self.instance.n_surgeons, self.instance.n_days)))
@@ -165,6 +178,11 @@ class MasterProblemPrimal:
         self.model.setParam(g.GRB.Param.Seed, 1)
         self.model.setParam(g.GRB.Param.TimeLimit, timelimit)
+        # TODO: tune tolerance parameters
+        # self.model.setParam(g.GRB.Param.Presolve, 0)
+        # self.model.setParam(g.GRB.Param.MIPGap, 1e-6)
+        # self.model.setParam(g.GRB.Param.IntFeasTol, 1e-6)
         # create variables
         if integer:
             theta = self.model.addVars(len(self.instance.patterns), vtype=g.GRB.BINARY, name="theta")
@@ -211,13 +229,14 @@ class MasterProblemPrimal:
         # optimize the model
+        print(f'BaP model status: {self.model.status}', flush=True)
         # if the model is infeasible or cut off, exit the function
         if (self.model.status != g.GRB.OPTIMAL and self.model.status != g.GRB.TIME_LIMIT) or self.model.SolCount == 0:
         # store objective value
-        objective_value = round(float(self.model.objVal), 5)
+        objective_value = round(float(self.model.objVal), 1)
         # store optimality gap
         if integer:
@@ -225,7 +244,7 @@ class MasterProblemPrimal:
         # store primal variables to dictionary
         primal_variables = {
-            'theta': {idx: round(theta, 5) for idx, theta in zip([ for p in self.instance.patterns], self.model.getAttr('X', theta.values()))},
+            'theta': {idx: theta for idx, theta in zip([ for p in self.instance.patterns], self.model.getAttr('X', theta.values()))},
             'n': utilities.convert_dictionary_to_array(self.model.getAttr('X', n), np.zeros((self.instance.n_surgeons, self.instance.n_days)))
@@ -266,7 +285,7 @@ class MasterProblemPrimal:
         for surgeon in self.instance.surgeons:
             for day in self.instance.days:
                 reduced_cost = self.model.getVarByName(f'n[{},{day}]').getAttr('RC')
-                variable_value = round(self.model.getVarByName(f'n[{},{day}]').X, 5)
+                variable_value = round(self.model.getVarByName(f'n[{},{day}]').X, 2)
                 if z_lp + reduced_cost > z_ilp_best and variable_value == 0:
                     fixing_combinations.append((, day))
@@ -280,7 +299,7 @@ class MasterProblemPrimal:
         is_fractional_patient, is_fractional_surgeon = False, False
-        epsilon = 1e-5
+        epsilon = 1e-3
         # check for a fractionality of patient
         for key, value in self.primal_variables['theta'].items():
@@ -322,7 +341,7 @@ class MasterProblemPrimal:
             for block in self.instance.blocks:
                 patterns = [p for p in self.instance.patterns if p.block == block]
                 for patient in self.instance.patients:
-                    value = round(sum([(1 if in pattern.patient_id else 0) * self.primal_variables['theta'][] for pattern in patterns]), 3)
+                    value = round(sum([(1 if in pattern.patient_id else 0) * self.primal_variables['theta'][] for pattern in patterns]), 2)
                     if not value.is_integer():
@@ -331,7 +350,7 @@ class MasterProblemPrimal:
         elif variable_type == 'surgeon':
             for surgeon in self.instance.surgeons:
                 for day in self.instance.days:
-                    value = round(self.primal_variables['n'][, day], 3)
+                    value = round(self.primal_variables['n'][, day], 2)
                     if not value.is_integer():
                         variables.append([, day])
@@ -387,23 +406,35 @@ class Subproblem:
         self.model = g.Model()
         self.model.setParam(g.GRB.Param.OutputFlag, 0)
         self.model.setParam(g.GRB.Param.Seed, 1)
+        self.model.setParam(g.GRB.Param.MIPGap, 1e-6)
+        self.model.setParam(g.GRB.Param.IntFeasTol, 1e-6)
         # create variables
         self.x = self.model.addVars(self.instance.n_patients, vtype=g.GRB.BINARY, name="x")
         self.o = self.model.addVar(lb=0, ub=g.GRB.INFINITY, vtype=g.GRB.INTEGER, name="o")
         self.z = self.model.addVar(lb=0, ub=g.GRB.INFINITY, vtype=g.GRB.INTEGER, name="z")
         self.n = self.model.addVars(self.instance.n_surgeons, vtype=g.GRB.BINARY, name="n")
+        self.y = self.model.addVars(self.instance.n_patients + 1, self.instance.n_patients + 1, vtype=g.GRB.BINARY, name="y")
+        self.e = self.model.addVar(vtype=g.GRB.BINARY, name="e")
         # add initial constraints
-        self.model.addConstr(g.LinExpr((patient.duration, self.x[]) for patient in self.instance.patients) - block.capacity == self.o - self.z, name="constraint_1")
+        self.model.addConstr(g.LinExpr((patient.duration, self.x[]) for patient in self.instance.patients) + g.LinExpr((self.instance.sequence_duration[][], self.y[,]) for patient_1 in self.instance.patients for patient_2 in self.instance.patients if != - block.capacity == self.o - self.z, name=f"constraint_1")
         self.model.addConstr(self.o <= block.overtime, name="constraint_2")
         self.model.addConstrs((self.x[] <= self.n[] for surgeon in self.instance.surgeons if in surgeon.blocks for patient in self.instance.patients if patient.surgeon ==, name="constraint_3")
         self.model.addConstrs((self.x[] == 0 for patient in self.instance.patients if sum([1 if patient.surgeon == and in surgeon.blocks else 0 for surgeon in self.instance.surgeons]) == 0), name="constraint_4")
         self.model.addConstrs((self.x[] == 0 for patient in self.instance.patients if patient.release > day), name="constraint_5")
         self.model.addConstrs((self.n[] == 0 for surgeon in self.instance.surgeons if not in surgeon.blocks), name="constraint_6")
+        for patient in self.instance.patients:
+            self.model.addConstr(self.x[] == g.LinExpr((1, self.y[,]) for patient_next in self.instance.patients if != + self.y[, self.instance.n_patients])
+            self.model.addConstr(self.x[] == g.LinExpr((1, self.y[,]) for patient_prev in self.instance.patients if != + self.y[self.instance.n_patients,])
+            self.model.addConstr(self.x[] <= self.e)
+        self.model.addConstr(g.LinExpr((1, self.y[, self.instance.n_patients]) for patient in self.instance.patients) == self.e)
+        self.model.addConstr(g.LinExpr((1, self.y[self.instance.n_patients,]) for patient in self.instance.patients) == self.e)
+        self.model.addConstr(self.e <= g.LinExpr((1, self.x[]) for patient in self.instance.patients))
         # add patient-block branching constraints
-        for branching_constraint in branching_constraints:
+        for branching_constraint in branching_constraints['patient']:
             branching_patient_id, branching_block_id, indication = branching_constraint[0], branching_constraint[1], branching_constraint[2]
             if == branching_block_id:  # operating with block b
                 if indication == 0:  # 'patient p not assigned to block b'
@@ -414,6 +445,12 @@ class Subproblem:
                 if indication == 1:  # 'patient p assigned to block b'
                     self.model.addConstr((self.x[branching_patient_id] == 0), name=f"patient_branching_constraint_{branching_patient_id}_{branching_block_id}")
+        # add surgeon-day branching constraints (only n_sd = 1 as we cannot assign a surgeon to specific block, only day)
+        for branching_constraint in branching_constraints['surgeon']:
+            branching_surgeon_id, branching_day_id, indication = branching_constraint[0], branching_constraint[1], branching_constraint[2]
+            if indication == 0 and branching_day_id == day:
+                self.model.addConstr((self.n[branching_surgeon_id] == 0), name=f"surgeon_branching_constraint_{branching_surgeon_id}_{branching_day_id}")
         # set objective
         part1 = g.LinExpr((master_problem_variables['lambda'][], self.x[]) for patient in self.instance.patients) \
                 + master_problem_variables['mu'][] \
@@ -437,7 +474,7 @@ class Subproblem:
         # store objective value
-        self.objective_value = round(float(self.model.objVal), 5)
+        self.objective_value = round(float(self.model.objVal), 1)
         # store optimized variables to dictionary
         self.variables = {
diff --git a/ b/
index 225daef..3562949 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -58,35 +58,39 @@ class Patient:
     A class used to represent one patient from the given set of patients.
-    def __init__(self, id, release, duration, priority, surgeon):
+    def __init__(self, id, release, duration, priority, surgeon, group):
         :param id: ID of the patient
         :param release: release time/date for the surgery of the patient
         :param duration: expected surgery duration of the patient
         :param priority: clinical priority coefficient of the patient
         :param surgeon: surgeon by which the patient needs to be treated
+        :param group: patient group to which the patient belongs to
         """ = id
         self.release = release
         self.duration = duration
         self.priority = priority
         self.surgeon = surgeon
+ = group
 class Instance:
     A class used to represent the instance on which the OR scheduling task should be performed.
-    def __init__(self, max_blocks_surgeon_day, weights):
+    def __init__(self, max_blocks_surgeon_day, weights, sequence_duration):
         :param max_blocks_surgeon_day: maximum number of blocks assigned to a surgeon in any day
         :param weights: dictionary of weights m_1,m_5,m_6,m_7 of term m_j in the objective function
+        :param sequence_duration: matrix defining sequence dependent setup time
         self.rooms, self.blocks, self.surgeons, self.patients, self.days = [], [], [], [], []
         self.n_rooms, self.n_blocks, self.n_surgeons, self.n_patients, self.n_days = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
         self.max_blocks_surgeon_day = max_blocks_surgeon_day
         self.max_patients_surgeon_day = {}
         self.weights = weights
+        self.sequence_duration = sequence_duration
         self.patterns = []
     def count_items(self):
@@ -161,7 +165,7 @@ class Instance:
         # print patients and their surgeries
         for patient in self.patients:
-            print(f"PATIENT: {} (release: {patient.release}, duration: {patient.duration}, priority: {patient.priority}, surgeon: {patient.surgeon})")
+            print(f"PATIENT: {} (release: {patient.release}, duration: {patient.duration}, priority: {patient.priority}, surgeon: {patient.surgeon}), group: {}")
         print(f"\n{'-' * 150}\n")
@@ -181,7 +185,7 @@ def convert_json_to_instance(json):
     # prepare Instance object
-    instance = Instance(json['max_blocks_surgeon_day'], json['weights'])
+    instance = Instance(json['max_blocks_surgeon_day'], json['weights'], json['sequence_duration'])
     # add all elements of the JSON file to the Instance object
     for key, item in enumerate(json['rooms']):
@@ -191,7 +195,7 @@ def convert_json_to_instance(json):
     for key, item in enumerate(json['surgeons']):
         instance.surgeons.append(Surgeon(key, item['blocks']))
     for key, item in enumerate(json['patients']):
-        instance.patients.append(Patient(key, item['release'], item['duration'], item['priority'], item['surgeon']))
+        instance.patients.append(Patient(key, item['release'], item['duration'], item['priority'], item['surgeon'], item['group']))
     for day in range(json['number_of_days']):
diff --git a/ b/
index 3a79e80..8ec7e25 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-In this file, branch and price algorithm is solved using only primal formulation. It consist of preparing the instance using
+In this file, branch and price algorithm is solved using only primal formulation. It consists of preparing the instance using script, constructing initial set of patterns and running column generation and branching in a loop till
 the incumbent solution is found.
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import prepare_instance, prepare_bap, utilities
 params = utilities.Parameters()
 TIMELIMIT = 4 * 60 * 60
 def generate_initial_patterns(instance):
     This function generates initial set of feasible patterns for the column generation algorithm.
@@ -55,8 +54,10 @@ def generate_initial_patterns(instance):
         # if we can still fit the patient into the block, do it
         for block in patient_blocks:
-            if block_vocab[]['leftover_capacity'] >= patient.duration:
-                block_vocab[]['leftover_capacity'] -= patient.duration
+            sequence_duration = 0 if block_vocab[]['patients'] == [] else instance.sequence_duration[block_vocab[]['patients'][-1].group][]
+            operation_duration = patient.duration + sequence_duration
+            if block_vocab[]['leftover_capacity'] >= operation_duration:
+                block_vocab[]['leftover_capacity'] -= operation_duration
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ def generate_initial_patterns(instance):
     return patterns
-def generate_improving_pattern(instance, primal_variables, dual_variables, branching_constraints):
+def generate_improving_pattern(master_problem):
     This function generates improving pattern/s (= pattern with positive reduced cost) for the column
     generation algorithm. If the objective value of the solved subproblem is positive, we have found
@@ -87,10 +88,7 @@ def generate_improving_pattern(instance, primal_variables, dual_variables, branc
     subproblems) at the beginning as well. Subproblems are then searched in the order predicted by the
     selected strategy.
-    :param instance: instance on which the OR scheduling task is performed
-    :param branching_constraints: branching constraints present in the current node
-    :param primal_variables: primal variables outputted by the master problem
-    :param dual_variables: dual variables outputted by the master problem
+    :param master_problem: current state of master problem
     :return: improving pattern/s found by the selected strategy
@@ -98,26 +96,24 @@ def generate_improving_pattern(instance, primal_variables, dual_variables, branc
     # sort the block in order in which they should be searched
     if params.sorting_strategy == 'random':
-        sorted_blocks, sorted_predictions = random.sample(instance.blocks, len(instance.blocks)), np.zeros(len(instance.blocks))
+        sorted_blocks, sorted_predictions = random.sample(master_problem.instance.blocks, len(master_problem.instance.blocks)), np.zeros(len(master_problem.instance.blocks))
     if params.sorting_strategy == 'ranked':
-        sorted_blocks, sorted_predictions = rank_subproblems(instance, branching_constraints, primal_variables, dual_variables)
-    if params.sorting_strategy == 'dummy ranked':
-        sorted_blocks, sorted_predictions = rank_subproblems_dummy(instance, branching_constraints, dual_variables)
+        sorted_blocks, sorted_predictions = rank_subproblems(master_problem.instance, master_problem.branching_constraints, master_problem.primal_variables, master_problem.dual_variables)
     # if recording is performed, write down subproblem features
     if params.type_of_validation == 'record':
-        record_subproblems(instance, branching_constraints, primal_variables, dual_variables)
+        record_subproblems(master_problem.instance, master_problem.branching_constraints, master_problem.primal_variables, master_problem.dual_variables)
     # solve subproblem for (block, room, day)...
     for block, prediction in zip(sorted_blocks, sorted_predictions):
-        room, day = instance.get_room(,
+        room, day = master_problem.instance.get_room(,
         # update number of subproblems value for analysis
         params.analysis.number_of_subproblems += 1
         # solve the subproblem for the pattern
-        subproblem = prepare_bap.Subproblem(instance)
-        subproblem.optimize_model(max(TIMELIMIT - (time.time() - params.analysis.time_start), 0), dual_variables, branching_constraints['patient'], block, day, room)
+        subproblem = prepare_bap.Subproblem(master_problem.instance)
+        subproblem.optimize_model(max(TIMELIMIT - (time.time() - params.analysis.time_start), 0), master_problem.dual_variables, master_problem.branching_constraints, block, day, room)
         # if the SP is not solved to optimality, continue with different subproblem
         if subproblem.model.status != g.GRB.OPTIMAL:
@@ -131,11 +127,11 @@ def generate_improving_pattern(instance, primal_variables, dual_variables, branc
         if subproblem.objective_value > 0:
             # crete Pattern corresponding to solved subproblem
-            improving_item_patients = [instance.get_patient(idx) for idx, item in enumerate(subproblem.variables['x']) if round(item, 5) == 1]
-            improving_item_surgeons = [instance.get_surgeon(idx) for idx, item in enumerate(subproblem.variables['n']) if round(item, 5) == 1]
-            improving_pattern = prepare_bap.Pattern(max([ for pattern in instance.patterns + improving_patterns]) + 1 if instance.patterns + improving_patterns else 0,
+            improving_item_patients = [master_problem.instance.get_patient(idx) for idx, item in enumerate(subproblem.variables['x']) if round(item, 2) == 1]
+            improving_item_surgeons = [master_problem.instance.get_surgeon(idx) for idx, item in enumerate(subproblem.variables['n']) if round(item, 2) == 1]
+            improving_pattern = prepare_bap.Pattern(max([ for pattern in master_problem.instance.patterns + improving_patterns]) + 1 if master_problem.instance.patterns + improving_patterns else 0,
                                                     block, improving_item_patients, improving_item_surgeons, subproblem.variables['o'], subproblem.variables['z'],
-                                                    instance.n_blocks, instance.n_patients, instance.n_surgeons)
+                                                    master_problem.instance.n_blocks, master_problem.instance.n_patients, master_problem.instance.n_surgeons)
@@ -184,15 +180,15 @@ def record_subproblem(instance, branching_constraints, primal_variables, dual_va
     # -- patients and patterns that are fully involved in the block (integral) and surgeons that are fully involved in the day
     sumproducts = { sum([(1 if in pattern.patient_id else 0) * primal_variables['theta'][] for pattern in possible_patterns]) for patient in instance.patients}
-    fully_involved_patients = [patient for patient in instance.patients if round(sumproducts[], 5) == 1]
-    # fully_involved_patterns = [pattern for pattern in possible_patterns if round(primal_variables['theta'][], 5) >= 1]
-    # fully_involved_surgeons = [surgeon for surgeon in instance.surgeons if round(primal_variables['n'][, day], 5) >= 1]
+    fully_involved_patients = [patient for patient in instance.patients if round(sumproducts[], 2) == 1]
+    # fully_involved_patterns = [pattern for pattern in possible_patterns if round(primal_variables['theta'][], 2) >= 1]
+    # fully_involved_surgeons = [surgeon for surgeon in instance.surgeons if round(primal_variables['n'][, day], 2) >= 1]
     # # -- is the schedule w.r.t. the block integral or not?
     # possible_patterns_theta = [primal_variables['theta'][] for pattern in possible_patterns]
     # is_block_integral = 1
     # for p_value in possible_patterns_theta:
-    #     if not round(p_value, 5).is_integer():
+    #     if not round(p_value, 2).is_integer():
     #         is_block_integral = 0
     #         break
@@ -254,7 +250,7 @@ def record_subproblems(instance, branching_constraints, primal_variables, dual_v
         # solve the subproblem for the pattern
         subproblem = prepare_bap.Subproblem(instance)
-        subproblem.optimize_model(max(TIMELIMIT - (time.time() - params.analysis.time_start), 0), dual_variables, branching_constraints['patient'], block, day, room)
+        subproblem.optimize_model(max(TIMELIMIT - (time.time() - params.analysis.time_start), 0), dual_variables, branching_constraints, block, day, room)
         # write down subproblem features
         subproblem_features = record_subproblem(instance, branching_constraints, primal_variables, dual_variables, block, day, subproblem.objective_value)
@@ -282,46 +278,6 @@ def record_subproblems(instance, branching_constraints, primal_variables, dual_v
-def rank_subproblems_dummy(instance, branching_constraints, dual_variables):
-    blocks, predictions, randomized_predictions = [], [], []
-    # obtain randomized predictions for all the blocks
-    for block in instance.blocks:
-        room, day = instance.get_room(,
-        # solve the subproblem for the pattern
-        subproblem = prepare_bap.Subproblem(instance)
-        subproblem.optimize_model(max(TIMELIMIT - (time.time() - params.analysis.time_start), 0), dual_variables, branching_constraints['patient'], block, day, room)
-        # if the SP is not solved to optimality, continue with different subproblem
-        if subproblem.model.status != g.GRB.OPTIMAL:
-            continue
-        # write down the prediction
-        prediction = 1 if subproblem.objective_value > 0 else 0
-        blocks.append(
-        predictions.append(prediction)
-    return predictions
-    #     threshold = 1
-    #     random_number = random.uniform(0, 1)
-    #     randomized_prediction = prediction if random_number < threshold else 1 - prediction
-    #     randomized_predictions.append(randomized_prediction)
-    #
-    # # sort the blocks
-    # sorted_blocks = np.argsort(randomized_predictions)[::-1]
-    #
-    # # retrieve objects for the sorted blocks
-    # sorted_blocks_objects, sorted_blocks_predictions = [], []
-    # for block_id in sorted_blocks:
-    #     sorted_blocks_objects.append(instance.get_block(block_id))
-    #     sorted_blocks_predictions.append(randomized_predictions[block_id])
-    #
-    # return sorted_blocks_objects, sorted_blocks_predictions
 def rank_subproblems(instance, branching_constraints, primal_variables, dual_variables):
     This function extracts features of a subproblem for each block in the current state (branching constrains, primal and
@@ -390,6 +346,10 @@ def column_generation(master_problem):
         mp_time_start = time.time()
+        # if the timelimit is reached, kill the CG procedure
+        if time.time() - params.analysis.time_start > TIMELIMIT:
+            break
         # 1. pass improving patterns from last iteration subproblem to restricted MP, define it and solve it to optimize dual variables
         print("Optimizing master problem...")
         master_problem.optimize_model(timelimit=max(TIMELIMIT - (time.time() - params.analysis.time_start), 0), integer=False)
@@ -398,16 +358,22 @@ def column_generation(master_problem):
         params.analysis.mp_cpu_time += time.time() - mp_time_start
         params.analysis.number_of_cg_iterations += 1
+        # if the model is infeasible, cut off or time limited do not look for improving patterns
+        if (master_problem.model.status != g.GRB.OPTIMAL and master_problem.model.status != g.GRB.TIME_LIMIT) or master_problem.model.SolCount == 0:
+            print("Warning: MP model in CG is infeasible or cut off.")
+            break
         # 2. pass variables from restricted MP to subproblem, define it and solve it to find improving patterns
         print("Generating improving patterns...")
         sp_time_start = time.time()
         sp_before = params.analysis.number_of_subproblems
-        improving_patterns = generate_improving_pattern(master_problem.instance, master_problem.primal_variables, master_problem.dual_variables, master_problem.branching_constraints)
+        improving_patterns = generate_improving_pattern(master_problem)
         params.analysis.sp_cpu_time += time.time() - sp_time_start
         number_of_subproblems_array.append(params.analysis.number_of_subproblems - sp_before)
         if not improving_patterns:
+            print("No improving patterns, ending the column generation.")
         # 3. if improving pattern (pattern with positive reduced cost) is found, add it to set of MP patterns and return to step 1, otherwise stop the process
@@ -498,7 +464,7 @@ def branching(master_problem, master_problem_index, subject, horizon, indication
             #       --> dummy pattern should be substituted with minimal one
             elif p_indication == 1:
-                # remove current dummy pattern for block b and substitue it with minimal one
+                # remove current dummy pattern for block b and substitute it with minimal one
                 dummy_pattern = branched_master_problem.instance.get_pattern(block)
                 patient_object = branched_master_problem.instance.get_patient(patient)
                 extended_patients, extended_surgeons = dummy_pattern.patients + [patient_object], dummy_pattern.surgeons + [branched_master_problem.instance.get_surgeon(patient_object.surgeon)]
@@ -577,7 +543,10 @@ def branch_and_price(instance):
     stack = []
     # generate initial set of feasible patterns according to provided instance and add them to the instance
+    print("Generating initial feasible patterns...")
     instance.patterns = generate_initial_patterns(instance)
+    for p in instance.patterns:
+        p.print_pattern()
     # initialize root master problem and add it to the queue
     master_problem = prepare_bap.MasterProblemPrimal(instance, {'patient': [], 'surgeon': [], 'aggregated_surgeon': [], 'extended_aggregated_surgeon': []}, 0)
@@ -618,11 +587,12 @@ def branch_and_price(instance):
             # make a note that ILP was performed in this node
             params.graph.update_node(str(master_problem.idx), {'method': 'ILP'})
-            # if the ILP is infeasible or cut off because of the objective value, solution cannot be better, continue
+            # if the ILP is infeasible or cut off because of the objective value, solution cannot be better, continue with next node
             if (master_problem.model.status != g.GRB.OPTIMAL and master_problem.model.status != g.GRB.TIME_LIMIT) or master_problem.model.SolCount == 0:
+                print("ILP model is infeasible or cut off, solution cannot be better, fathoming current node and moving to the next one.",flush=True)
-            # check if the solution is better than optimal solution - if so, update it and continue
+            # check if the solution is better than optimal solution - if so, update it and continue with next node
             if master_problem.objective_value < params.solution.objective_value:
                 print(f"Solution of ILP ({master_problem.objective_value}) is better than the incumbent solution ({params.solution.objective_value}).",flush=True)
                 print("No fractional variable in the primal master problem revealed, solution is integer, updating the incumbent solution, fathoming current node and moving to the next one.",flush=True)
@@ -635,25 +605,28 @@ def branch_and_price(instance):
                     'total_patterns': str(number_of_patterns_before),
                     'added_patterns': str(len(master_problem.instance.patterns) - number_of_patterns_before)
-                params.solution.update('original', master_problem.idx, master_problem.objective_value, master_problem.optimality_gap, master_problem.primal_variables, master_problem.instance.patterns, time.time() - params.analysis.time_start)
-                continue
+                ('original', master_problem.idx, master_problem.objective_value, master_problem.optimality_gap, master_problem.primal_variables, master_problem.instance.patterns, time.time() - params.analysis.time_start)
+            # otherwise, don't update the optimal solution and directly move to next node
+            else:
+                print(f"Solution of ILP ({master_problem.objective_value}) is not better than the incumbent solution ({params.solution.objective_value}), fathoming current node and moving to the next one.",flush=True)
+            continue
         # otherwise, run normally CG
-        # update the node
-        params.graph.update_node(str(master_problem.idx), {
-            'obj_val': str(master_problem.objective_value),
-            'incumbent_solution': params.solution.objective_value,
-            'cpu_time': str(round(time.time() - start_time, 3)),
-            'total_patterns': str(number_of_patterns_before),
-            'added_patterns': str(len(master_problem.instance.patterns) - number_of_patterns_before)
-        })
+            # if the column generation is not optimal, fathom the current node and move to the next one
+            if (master_problem.model.status != g.GRB.OPTIMAL and master_problem.model.status != g.GRB.TIME_LIMIT) or master_problem.model.SolCount == 0:
+                print(f"Solution of master problem is infeasible or cut off. Fathoming current node and moving to the next one.",flush=True)
+                continue
-        # if the column generation is not optimal, fathom the current node and move to the next one
-        if (master_problem.model.status != g.GRB.OPTIMAL and master_problem.model.status != g.GRB.TIME_LIMIT) or master_problem.model.SolCount == 0:
-            print(f"Solution of master problem is not optimal. Fathoming current node and moving to the next one.",flush=True)
-            continue
+            # update the node
+            params.graph.update_node(str(master_problem.idx), {
+                'obj_val': str(master_problem.objective_value),
+                'incumbent_solution': params.solution.objective_value,
+                'cpu_time': str(round(time.time() - start_time, 3)),
+                'total_patterns': str(number_of_patterns_before),
+                'added_patterns': str(len(master_problem.instance.patterns) - number_of_patterns_before)
+            })
         # >>>>>>> 2. a) YES, move to 3.
         if master_problem.objective_value < params.solution.objective_value:
@@ -689,7 +662,7 @@ def branch_and_price(instance):
         # >>>>>> 4. b) NO, move to 5
         if (master_problem.model.status != g.GRB.OPTIMAL and master_problem.model.status != g.GRB.TIME_LIMIT) or master_problem.model.SolCount == 0:
-            print("Solution of master heuristic is infeasible. Moving to the branching.",flush=True)
+            print("Solution of master heuristic is infeasible or cut off. Moving to the branching.",flush=True)
         # >>>>>> 4. b) YES, if the solution is better than the solution of incumbent solution, update it and move to 5
@@ -746,7 +719,7 @@ def branch_and_price(instance):
     # colour the node where optimal solution was found
     params.graph.update_node(str(params.solution.mp_index), {'color': 'yellow'})
-    print("All nodes fathomed, returning the best solution.",flush=True)
+    print("Returning the best solution...",flush=True)
 def main(path, arguments):
diff --git a/ b/
index 04dd0bb..f361f99 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -36,12 +36,14 @@ def ilp(instance):
     o = model.addVars(instance.n_blocks, lb=0, ub=g.GRB.INFINITY, vtype=g.GRB.INTEGER, name="o")
     z = model.addVars(instance.n_blocks, lb=0, ub=g.GRB.INFINITY, vtype=g.GRB.INTEGER, name="z")
     n = model.addVars(instance.n_surgeons, instance.n_days, vtype=g.GRB.BINARY, name="n")
+    y = model.addVars(instance.n_patients+1, instance.n_patients+1, instance.n_blocks, vtype=g.GRB.BINARY, name="y")
+    e = model.addVars(instance.n_blocks, vtype=g.GRB.BINARY, name="e")
     # add constraints
     for patient in instance.patients:
         model.addConstr(g.LinExpr((1, x[,]) for block in instance.blocks) <= 1, name=f"constraint_1_p{}")
     for block in instance.blocks:
-        model.addConstr(g.LinExpr((patient.duration, x[,]) for patient in instance.patients) - block.capacity == o[] - z[], name=f"constraint_2_b{}")
+        model.addConstr(g.LinExpr((patient.duration, x[,]) for patient in instance.patients) + g.LinExpr((instance.sequence_duration[][], y[,,]) for patient_1 in instance.patients for patient_2 in instance.patients if != - block.capacity == o[] - z[], name=f"constraint_2_b{}")
     model.addConstrs((o[] <= block.overtime for block in instance.blocks), name="constraint_3")
     for room in instance.rooms:
         for day in instance.days:
@@ -52,6 +54,16 @@ def ilp(instance):
     model.addConstrs((x[,] == 0 for block in instance.blocks for patient in instance.patients if sum([1 if patient.surgeon == and in surgeon.blocks else 0 for surgeon in instance.surgeons]) == 0), name="constraint_6")
     model.addConstrs((x[,] == 0 for patient in instance.patients for block in instance.blocks if patient.release >, name="constraint_7")
+    for patient in instance.patients:
+        for block in instance.blocks:
+            model.addConstr(x[,] == g.LinExpr((1, y[,,]) for patient_next in instance.patients if != + y[, instance.n_patients,])
+            model.addConstr(x[,] == g.LinExpr((1, y[,,]) for patient_prev in instance.patients if != + y[instance.n_patients,,])
+            model.addConstr(x[,] <= e[])
+    for block in instance.blocks:
+        model.addConstr(g.LinExpr((1, y[, instance.n_patients,]) for patient in instance.patients) == e[])
+        model.addConstr(g.LinExpr((1, y[instance.n_patients,,]) for patient in instance.patients) == e[])
+        model.addConstr(e[] <= g.LinExpr((1, x[,]) for patient in instance.patients))
     # set objective
     obj1 = g.LinExpr((((day - patient.release)) * patient.priority, x[,]) for patient in instance.patients for day in instance.days for block in instance.blocks if == day)
     obj5 = g.LinExpr((1, x[,]) for patient in instance.patients for block in instance.blocks)
@@ -103,8 +115,7 @@ def main(path):
     print('# SOLUTION')
     print(f"{'#' * 50}" + utilities.Color.END + '\n')
     for b in instance.blocks:
-        patient_vec = variables_ilp['x'][:,]
-        patients = [instance.get_patient(idx) for idx, item in enumerate(patient_vec) if item == 1]
+        patients = [instance.get_patient(idx) for idx, item in enumerate(variables_ilp['x'][:,]) if item == 1]
         print(f"| BLOCK: {} | PATIENTS: {[ for patient in patients]} | SURGEONS: {list(set([patient.surgeon for patient in patients]))} | OVERTIME: {variables_ilp['o'][]} | UNDERTIME: {variables_ilp['z'][]}")
     print(f"OBJECTIVE VALUE: {model_ilp.objVal}")
     print(f"OPTIMALITY GAP: {model_ilp.MIPGap}")
diff --git a/ b/
index 424f786..2cbe1cb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -169,19 +169,13 @@ class Solution:
         if self.type == 'original':
             for b in instance.blocks:
-                patient_vec = self.variables['x'][:,]
-                patients = [instance.get_patient(idx) for idx, item in enumerate(patient_vec) if item == 1]
+                patients = [instance.get_patient(idx) for idx, item in enumerate(self.variables['x'][:,]) if item == 1]
                     f"| BLOCK: {} | PATIENTS: {[ for patient in patients]} | SURGEONS: {list(set([patient.surgeon for patient in patients]))} | OVERTIME: {self.variables['o'][]} | UNDERTIME: {self.variables['z'][]}", flush=True)
             for block in instance.blocks:
-                patterns = [p for p in self.patterns if ==]
-                sumproducts = [sum([(1 if in pattern.patient_id else 0) * self.variables['theta'][] for pattern in patterns]) for patient in instance.patients]
-                patients = [patient for idx, patient in enumerate(instance.patients) if sumproducts[idx] == 1]
-                surgeons = list(set([patient.surgeon for patient in patients]))
-                overtime = max(0, sum([patient.duration for patient in patients]) - block.capacity)
-                undertime = max(0, block.capacity - sum([patient.duration for patient in patients]))
-                print(f'| BLOCK: {} | PATIENTS: {[ for patient in patients]} | SURGEONS: {surgeons} | OVERTIME: {overtime} | UNDERTIME: {undertime}', flush=True)
+                pattern = [p for p in self.patterns if == and round(self.variables['theta'][], 2) == 1][0]
+                pattern.print_pattern()
         print(f"OBJECTIVE VALUE: {self.objective_value}", flush=True)
         print(f"OPTIMALITY GAP: {self.optimality_gap}", flush=True)

From 475b81b4e215ee52621dc720d3fa284ac9a7ff66 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: koutepa2 <>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2023 11:42:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] extra scripts collected in separate file

--- | 128 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 128 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644

diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed5360c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+import os
+import json
+import pandas as pd
+import argparse
+import random
+import utilities, solve_ilp, solve_bap, prepare_instance
+folder = 'instances/bug'
+instances_path = [os.path.join(folder, f) for f in os.listdir(folder) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder, f)) and f.endswith('.json')]
+names, ilp_obj, bap_obj = [], [], []
+for instance in instances_path:
+    print(instance)
+    # _, solution_ilp = solve_ilp.main(instance)
+    _, solution_bap, _ = solve_bap.main(instance, utilities.parse_arguments_from_file())
+    names.append(instance)
+    # ilp_obj.append(round(solution_ilp.objective_value,2))
+    bap_obj.append(round(solution_bap.objective_value,2))
+# for i in range(len(names)):
+#     print(f"{names[i]}\t\t{ilp_obj[i]}\t\t{bap_obj[i]}\t\t{'NO' if ilp_obj[i] != bap_obj[i] else ''}")
+# folder = 'instances/experiments_quadratic_2/bap_before'
+# subfolders = [f.path for f in os.scandir(folder) if f.is_dir()]
+# for subfolder_path in subfolders:
+#     instances = ['2_p60.json', '2_p100.json', '1_p100.json', '2_p80.json', '0_p100.json', '0_p80.json', '0_p60.json',
+#                  '1_p80.json', '1_p60.json']
+#     instances_path = [os.path.join(subfolder_path, i) for i in instances]
+#     print(subfolder_path)
+#     for instance_path in instances_path:
+#         instance = prepare_instance.main(instance_path)
+#         # load factor = total surgery time / available time
+#         load_factor = sum([patient.duration for patient in instance.patients]) / (instance.n_blocks * instance.blocks[0].capacity)
+#         print(round(load_factor, 2))
+EDIT JSON (add feature)
+# folder = 'instances/ilp_after_overtime_undertime_sequence'
+# subfolders = [f.path for f in os.scandir(folder) if f.is_dir()]
+# json_files = []
+# for subfolder in subfolders:
+#     json_files.extend([f.path for f in os.scandir(subfolder) if f.path.endswith('.json')])
+# for path in json_files:
+#     with open(path, 'r') as f:
+#         data = json.load(f)
+#         data["sequence_duration"] = [
+#             [0, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40],
+#             [20, 0, 20, 25, 30, 35],
+#             [25, 20, 0, 20, 25, 30],
+#             [30, 25, 20, 0, 20, 25],
+#             [35, 30, 25, 20, 0, 20],
+#             [40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 0]
+#         ]
+#         for i in data['patients']:
+#             i['group'] = random.randint(0, 5)
+#     with open(path, 'w') as f:
+#         json.dump(data, f)
+# path = 'instances/record_instances_2_ranking/instances_r1_s8_d8/subproblem_features_recording.csv'
+# days = 8
+# batch_size = 2 * days
+# # open CSV
+# df = pd.read_csv(path)
+# # prepare column vector with batches
+# batches = []
+# print(len(df)/batch_size)
+# for b in range(int(len(df)/batch_size)):
+#     for i in range(batch_size):
+#         batches.append(b)
+# # add batches as new column
+# df['batch index'] = batches
+# # save CSV
+# df.to_csv(path, index=False)
+# # define folder to search in by parsing input arguments
+# parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+# parser.add_argument('--folder', '-f', help='path to the folder where the generated instances should be stored')
+# args = parser.parse_args()
+# folder = args.folder
+# # 1. define final CSV file
+# csv_name = 'subproblem_features_recording.csv'
+# final_csv_path = os.path.join(folder, csv_name)
+# # 2. list all subfolder's CSV files
+# subfolders = [f.path for f in os.scandir(folder) if f.is_dir()]
+# subfolder_csv_files = [os.path.join(subfolder_path, csv_name) for subfolder_path in subfolders if os.path.exists(os.path.join(subfolder_path, csv_name))]
+# # 3. merge them together and save final CSV
+# subfolder_dfs = []
+# batch_increase = 0
+# for f in subfolder_csv_files:
+#     df = pd.read_csv(f)
+#     # in merging datasets, get unique value of batch index, if the column is present
+#     if 'batch index' in df.columns:
+#         batch_increase_new = max(df['batch index']) + 1
+#         df['batch index'] = df['batch index'] + batch_increase
+#         batch_increase += batch_increase_new
+#     subfolder_dfs.append(df)
+# df_concat = pd.concat(subfolder_dfs, ignore_index=True)
+# df_concat.to_csv(final_csv_path, index=False)

From 27cda8930dd406d234c0e9da80ffea5740efd174 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: koutepa2 <>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2023 11:43:01 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] scripts collected in separate folder

 scripts/               | 17 ++++++++++++
 scripts/    | 15 +++++++++++
 scripts/        | 22 ++++++++++++++++
 scripts/          | 21 +++++++++++++++
 scripts/ | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 125 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 scripts/
 create mode 100644 scripts/
 create mode 100644 scripts/
 create mode 100644 scripts/
 create mode 100644 scripts/

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e171417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
+#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=16G
+#SBATCH --time=4-00:00:00
+#SBATCH --partition=compute,bigmem
+module purge
+module load Python/3.7.2-GCCcore-8.2.0
+module load Gurobi/9.0.0
+module load SciPy-bundle/2019.10-fosscuda-2019b-Python-3.7.4
+pip3 install lightgbm --user
+pip3 install PyYAML --user
+cd /home/koutepa2/advance-or-scheduling-with-ml/
+python -f $1
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d240e25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# define folder
+# search through all the subfolders in the defined folder
+for SUBDIR in $(find $FOLDER -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d); do
+	echo "Running validation for $SUBDIR"
+	# run job for each of the subfolders
+	sbatch --job-name="$NAME" --output="$SUBDIR/output.out" --error="$SUBDIR/output.err" scripts/ "$SUBDIR"
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2afba03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#SBATCH --job-name=single
+#SBATCH --output="/home/koutepa2/advance-or-scheduling-with-ml/instances/bug/output.out"
+#SBATCH --error="/home/koutepa2/advance-or-scheduling-with-ml/instances/bug/output.err"
+#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
+#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=16G
+#SBATCH --time=4-00:00:00
+#SBATCH --partition=compute,bigmem
+module purge
+module load Python/3.7.2-GCCcore-8.2.0
+module load Gurobi/9.0.0
+module load SciPy-bundle/2019.10-fosscuda-2019b-Python-3.7.4
+pip3 install lightgbm --user
+pip3 install PyYAML --user
+cd /home/koutepa2/advance-or-scheduling-with-ml
+python -f "$FOLDER"
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e378420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#SBATCH --job-name=t1400_30h_throughput
+#SBATCH --output=/home/suchap/dev/Prevedig/results/out/t1400_30h_throughput.out
+#SBATCH --error=/home/suchap/dev/Prevedig/results/out/t1400_30h_throughput.err
+#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16
+#SBATCH --mem=80G
+#SBATCH --time=2-00:00:00
+#SBATCH --partition=compute
+#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
+#module load Anaconda3/5.3.0
+module load Python/3.7.2-GCCcore-8.2.0
+module load Gurobi/9.0.0
+pip3 install numpy --user
+#. /opt/apps/software/Anaconda3/5.3.0/etc/profile.d/
+cd /home/suchap/dev/Prevedig/python_scripts/prevedig/
+python 1400 108000
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d361cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#!/bin/bash -l
+# Give your job a name, so you can recognize it in the queue overview
+#SBATCH --job-name=test_or
+# Define, how many nodes you need.
+#SBATCH --nodes=2
+#SBATCH --ntasks=4 	# ask for 4 cpus
+# Define, how long the job will run in real time. 
+#              d-hh:mm:ss
+#SBATCH --time=2-00:00:00
+# Define the partition on which the job shall run. May be omitted.
+#SBATCH --partition gpu
+# How much memory you need. Choose one of those.
+#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=5000MB  	# defines memory per CPU/core
+##SBATCH --mem=5GB   		# defines memory per node
+# Turn on mail notification.
+#SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL
+# You may not place any commands before the last SBATCH directive
+# Define and create a unique scratch directory for this job
+# /lscratch is local ssd disk on particular node which is faster than your network home dir
+# You can copy everything you need to the scratch directory
+# ${SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR} points to the path where this script was submitted from
+# This is where the actual work is done. In this case, the script only waits.
+# The time command is optional, but it may give you a hint on how long the command worked.
+time sleep 150
+#sleep 150
+# After the job is done we copy our output back to $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR
+# After everything is saved to the home directory, delete the work directory to
+# save space on /lscratch
+# Finish the script
+exit 0