import { FolderOutlined, ReloadOutlined } from "@ant-design/icons"; import { Button, Col, Divider, Layout, Row, Typography } from "antd"; import { Content } from "antd/lib/layout/layout"; import Tree from "antd/lib/tree"; import { FunctionComponent, useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { apiGetLibrary, apiMoveItem } from "../../common/APIUtils"; import { Item, ItemType } from "../../common/Common"; import { useAuth } from "../auth/Auth"; import ItemInfo, { getIconForItemType } from "./items/ItemInfo"; const { Title } = Typography; interface LibraryProps { } const Library: FunctionComponent<LibraryProps> = () => { const auth = useAuth(); const [isLibraryLoading, setIsLibraryLoading] = useState(false); const [treeData, setTreeData] = useState<any[]>([]); const [expandedKeys, setExpandedKeys] = useState<Array<string>>([]); const [selectedItem, setSelectedItem] = useState<any | null>(null); // fetch library on load useEffect(() => { fetchLibrary(); }, [auth.user.token]); // [] execute on user token value change, could be replaced with just [] which is basicly onLoad .. const compare = (a: Item, b: Item) => { let aIndex = Object.keys(ItemType).indexOf(a.type); let bIndex = Object.keys(ItemType).indexOf(b.type); if (aIndex < bIndex) { return -1; } if (aIndex > bIndex) { return 1; } return 0; } const fetchLibrary = () => { setIsLibraryLoading(true); setTimeout( () => { apiGetLibrary(auth.user.token) .then(response => { console.log("fetched library: ", response); var data = response; setIconsAndSortRecursive(data[0]); setTreeData(data); selectedItem ? setSelectedItem(findItemByIdIter(selectedItem?.id, data[0])) : setSelectedItem(null); }).catch(error => { console.error("error fetching library: ", error); }).finally(() => setIsLibraryLoading(false)) }, 500 ); } const setIconsAndSortRecursive = (item: any) => { item.icon = getIconForItemType(item?.type as ItemType); // item.children?.sort(compare); item.children?.forEach((element: any) => { setIconsAndSortRecursive(element); }); } const findItemByIdIter = (id: string, root: any) => { var stack = [], item, ii; stack.push(root); while (stack.length > 0) { item = stack.pop(); if ( === id) { return item; } else if (item.children && item.children.length) { for (ii = 0; ii < item.children.length; ii += 1) { stack.push(item.children[ii]); } } } // Didn't find it. Return null. return null; } const onSelect = (keys: any, info: any) => { console.log("onSelect: ", keys, info); setSelectedItem(info.node); }; const onDrop = (info: any) => { // TODO: clean this up a bit // console.log("item dropped: ", info); const dropKey = info.node.key; const dragKey = info.dragNode.key; const dropPos = dropKey.split('-'); const dropPosition = info.dropPosition - Number(dropPos[dropPos.length - 1]); var actualPosition = dropPosition; console.log(`dropkey: ${dropKey}, dragKey: ${dragKey}, dropPos: ${dropPos}, dropPosition: ${dropPosition}`); const loop = (data: any, key: any, callback: any) => { for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i].key === key) { return callback(data[i], i, data); } if (data[i].children) { loop(data[i].children, key, callback); } } }; const data = [...treeData]; // Find dragObject let draggedItem: any; loop(data, dragKey, (item: any, index: any, arr: any) => { arr.splice(index, 1); draggedItem = item; }); let newParentId: any; if (!info.dropToGap) { console.log("item dropped onto another item, move to first position"); // item dropped onto another item loop(data, dropKey, (newParent: any) => { newParentId =; newParent.children = newParent.children || []; // insert at the beginning of that element's children newParent.children.unshift(draggedItem); }); } else if ( (info.node.props.children || []).length > 0 && // Has children info.node.props.expanded && // Is expanded dropPosition === 1 // On the bottom gap ) { console.log("item dropped into gap, different parent"); loop(data, dropKey, (newParent: any) => { newParentId =; newParent.children = newParent.children || []; // where to insert 示例添加到头部,可以是随意位置 newParent.children.unshift(draggedItem); // in previous version, we use item.children.push(dragObj) to insert the // item to the tail of the children }); } else { console.log("item dropped into gap, same parent"); let ar: any; let i: any; loop(data, dropKey, (item: any, index: any, arr: any) => { newParentId = item.parentId; ar = arr; i = index; }); if (dropPosition === -1) { actualPosition = i; ar.splice(i, 0, draggedItem); } else { actualPosition = i + 1; ar.splice(i + 1, 0, draggedItem); } } console.log(`move item ${draggedItem.title} to position ${actualPosition} under new parent ${newParentId}`); apiMoveItem(draggedItem, newParentId, actualPosition, auth.user?.token) .then(() => { console.log("ITEM MOVED"); }).catch(error => { console.error(error); }).finally(() => fetchLibrary()); // setTreeData(data); }; const onExpand = (expandedKeys: Array<any>, info: any) => { console.log("expanded key:", info); setExpandedKeys(expandedKeys); } const library = [ { title: 'Root Category', key: '0-0', icon: <FolderOutlined />, children: [ { title: 'Subcategory', key: '0-0-0', icon: <FolderOutlined />, children: [], } ] } ] return ( <Layout className="site-layout-background"> <Content className="site-layout-background" style={{ padding: 24, margin: 0, minHeight: "90vh", }}> <Title level={3} style={{ paddingLeft: "25px", paddingBottom: "15px" }}>Library</Title> <Divider orientation="left" orientationMargin="25px"> Browser <Button loading={isLibraryLoading} onClick={fetchLibrary} style={{ margin: "0 15px" }} icon={<ReloadOutlined />}> Refresh </Button> </Divider> <Row wrap={false}> <Col flex="600px"> <Tree defaultExpandAll showIcon={true} selectedKeys={[selectedItem?.key]} expandedKeys={expandedKeys} defaultExpandedKeys={expandedKeys} onSelect={onSelect} onExpand={onExpand} onDrop={onDrop} treeData={treeData} draggable={true} style={{ padding: "15px" }} /> </Col> <Col flex={3} > { selectedItem !== null ? <div style={{ padding: "15px" }}> <ItemInfo selectedItem={selectedItem} selectedItemParent={findItemByIdIter(selectedItem.parentId, treeData[0])} onContentUpdate={fetchLibrary} /> </div> : <></> } </Col> </Row> </Content> </Layout> ); } export default Library;